Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Peter Lehmann Chardonnay

Tried the Peter Lehmann Chardonnay the other day.
Before I say something, anything about it, the price is right. You can get it for around 9-11 dollars at any wine shop. Dan's could be cheaper. Around $15-$20 in the wine bars around Sydney.

The taste is nothing special. Its not bad, for sure. It has a slight heaviness to it, you feel it more if you're not having food with it. With grilled fish, or cheese, it could be quite refreshing - the temperature, I'd suggest, should be around 7-8 C, which is slightly less than how I usually like whites.
A good choice if you're having a BBQ with friends. Bad Choice for a romantic, impress-her-all-you-can date.

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